38 - Procurement of electricity from a renewable electricity supplier (up to 4 points)
Category : Energy
Status : Optional 4 Points
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
The tourist accommodation shall contract an individual electricity tariff containing the 100 % (overall fuel mix marketed by the supplier or product fuel mix of the purchased tariff) of the electricity from renewable energy sources as defined in Directive 2009/28/EC (3 points) and certified by an environmental electricity label (4 points).
Alternatively, the 100 % electricity from renewable energy sources certified by an environmental electricity label can also be acquired by the unbundled purchase of guarantees of origin as defined in Article 2(j) of Directive 2009/28/EC (3 points).
For the purpose of this criterion, the environmental electricity label shall comply with the following conditions:
the quality label's standard is verified by an independent organisation (third party);
the certified electricity procured originates from new renewable plant capacity installed within the past 2 years or a financial part of the certified electricity procured is used to promote the investment in new renewable power capacities.