37 - Space Heater emissions (1,5 points)
Category : Energy
Status : Optional 1.5 Points
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
For space heaters in the tourist accommodation the nitrogen oxide (NOx) content of the exhaust gas shall not exceed the
limit values indicated in the table below, calculated in accordance with the following acts:
(a) for gaseous and liquid fuel water-based space heaters, Commission Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 (1);
(b) for solid fuel water-based space heaters, Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1189 (2);
(c) for gaseous and liquid fuel local space heaters, Regulation (EU) 2015/1188;
(d) for solid fuel local space heaters, Regulation (EU) 2015/1185.
Heat generator technology NOx emission limit
Gas heaters For water-based heaters equipped with internal combustion engine: 240 mg/kWh GCV
energy input
For water-based and local heaters equipped with external combustion (boilers): 56 mg/kWh
GCV energy input
Liquid fuel heaters For water-based heaters equipped with internal combustion engine: 420 mg/kWh GCV
energy input
For water-based and local heaters equipped with external combustion (boilers): 120 mg/kWh
GCV energy input
Solid fuel heaters Water-based space heaters: 200 mg/Nm3 at 10 % O2
Local space heaters: 200 mg/Nm3 at 13 % O2
For solid fuel boilers and solid fuel local space heaters in the tourist accommodation, the emissions of particulate matter
(PM) of the exhaust gas shall not exceed the limit values laid down in Regulation (EU) 2015/1189 and in Regulation
(EU) 2015/1185, respectively.