2 - Staff training
Category : General management
Status : Mandatory
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
The tourist accommodation shall provide information and training to the staff (including subcontracted external staff), including written procedures or manuals, to ensure the application of environmental measures and to raise awareness of environmentally responsible behaviour in accordance with the mandatory and applicable optional criteria in this EU Ecolabel. In particular, the following aspects shall be included on the staff training:
the environmental policy and action plan of the tourist accommodation and awareness of the EU Ecolabel for tourist accommodation;
energy saving actions in relation to lights, air conditioning and heating systems when the staff leave the room or windows are opened;
water saving actions in relation to leaks checking, watering, changes of sheets and towels frequency and backwashing pool procedure;
chemical use minimisation actions in relation to chemical products for cleaning, dishwashing, sanitising, laundry and other special cleaners (e.g. swimming pool backwashing) which shall be used only where they are necessary; and if information on the dosage is available, the consumption limits of the mentioned products shall be those indicated on the packaging or recommended by the producer;
waste reduction and separation actions in relation to disposable items and disposal categories;
environmentally preferable means of transport available to staff;
according to criterion 3, the relevant information that staff is required to provide to guests.
Adequate training shall be provided to all new staff within 4 weeks of starting employment and an update on the above mentioned aspects for all other staff at least once a year.