1 - Basis of an Environmental Management System
Category : General management
Status : Mandatory
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
The tourist accommodation shall set the basis of an Environmental Management System by implementing the following processes:
an environmental policy identifying the most relevant environmental aspects regarding energy, water and waste relevant to the accommodation,
a precise action programme establishing targets on environmental performance regarding identified environmental aspects, which shall be set at least every 2 years, taking into consideration requirements set by this EU Ecolabel Decision.
If environmental aspects identified are not addressed by this EU Ecolabel, targets should preferably be based on environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence set by the reference document on best environmental management practice for the tourism sector (3) (EMAS),
an internal evaluation process allowing verifying at least yearly organisation performances with regard to the targets defined in the action program and setting correction actions if needed.
Information on the processes mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be available for consultation by the guests and staff.
Comments and feedback from guests collected by means of the questionnaire referred in criterion 3 shall be evaluated in the internal evaluation process and in the action programme, if necessary.