63 - Environmentally preferable means of transport offer (up to 2,5 points)
Category : Other services
Status : Optional 2.5 Points
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
The tourist accommodation shall offer to guests at least one of following environmentally preferable means of transport (1 point each, to a maximum of 2 points):
electric vehicles for guests pick up service or for guests' leisure;
plugs (charging stations) for electric vehicles;
at least 1 bike for every 5 pitches or rental accommodation units or rooms.
The tourist accommodation shall have active partnerships with companies providing electric vehicles or bikes (0,5 point). 'Active partnership' means an agreement between a tourist accommodation and a company hiring electric vehicles or bikes. Information on the active partnership shall be visible on site. Where the hire company is not based on the site of the tourist accommodation, some practical considerations shall be made (e.g. a bicycle hire company may deliver bikes to the tourist accommodation service).