45 - Washing machine water consumption (3 points)
Category : Water
Status : Optional 3 Points
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
The washing machines used within the tourist accommodation by guests and staff or those used by the tourist
accommodation laundry service provider shall fulfil at least one of the following requirements:
(a) for household washing machines, their water consumption is lower or equal to the threshold as defined in the
following table, measured according to the standard EN 60456, using the standard washing cycle (60 °C cotton
program): Product sub-group Water consumption: [litres/cycle]
Household washing machines with a rated capacity of 3 kg 39
2.2.2017 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 28/35
(1) Commission Regulation (EU) No 1016/2010 of 10 November 2010 implementing Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council with regard to ecodesign requirements for household dishwashers (OJ L 293, 11.11.2010, p. 31).Product sub-group Water consumption: [litres/cycle]
Household washing machines with a rated capacity of 4,5 kg 40
(b) for commercial or professional washing machines, they have an average laundry water consumption of ? 7 l per
kg of laundry washed.
Note: point (a) only applies to household washing machines covered by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1015/2010 (1).
Assessment and verificati