43 - Efficient water fittings: Toilets and urinals (up to 4,5 points)
Category : Water
Status : Optional 4.5 Points
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
All urinals shall use a waterless system (1,5 point).
At least 50 % of urinals (rounded to the next integer) shall have been awarded the EU ecolabel in accordance with Decision 2013/641/EU or another ISO type I label (1,5 point).
At least 50 % of toilets (rounded to the next integer) shall have been awarded the EU ecolabel in accordance with Decision 2013/641/EU or another ISO type I label (1,5 point).
Assessment and verification
The applicant shall provide a detailed explanation of how the tourist accommodation fulfils this criterion, together with appropriate supporting documentation. EU Ecolabel flushing toilets and urinals products or products bearing other ISO type I labels satisfying the above mentioned requirements shall be deemed to comply. Where EU Ecolabel flushing toilets and urinals products are used, the applicant shall provide copy of the EU Ecolabel certificate or a copy of the label on the package showing that it was awarded in accordance with Decision 2013/641/EU. Where products bearing other ISO type I labels are used, the applicant shall provide a copy of the type I label certificate or a copy of the label on the package.