17 - Waste prevention: food service waste reduction plan
Category : Waste
Status : Mandatory
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
Without prejudice to the local or national regulation on provision of food services:
with the aim to reduce package waste: No single dose packages for non-perishable food stuffs (e.g. coffee, sugar, chocolate powder (except tea bags)) shall be used for food services;
with the aim to balance package/food waste depending on the season: For all perishable food stuffs (e.g. yogurt, jams, honey, cold meats, pastries), the tourist accommodation shall manage the provision of food to guests to minimise both food and packaging waste. To achieve this, the tourist accommodation shall follow a documented procedure linked to the action program (criterion 1) which specifies how the food waste/packaging waste balance is optimised based on the number of guests.
Exempt from this criterion are: shops and vending machines under management of the tourist accommodation and single-dose sugar and coffee inside rooms under the condition that the products used for this purpose are fair trade and/or organic certificated, and used coffee capsules (if applicable) are given back to the producer for recycling.