12 - Procurement of electricity from a renewable electricity supplier
Category : Energy
Status : Mandatory
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
In case there are one to four suppliers of individual green tariffs offering 50 % of the electricity from renewable energy sources or of separate GOs certificates where the accommodation is located:
The tourist accommodation shall contract at least 50 % of its electricity from renewable energy sources, as defined in Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (14). For this purpose:
The tourist accommodation shall preferentially contract an individual electricity tariff containing at least 50 % of the electricity from renewable energy sources. This requirement is fulfilled either in case the overall fuel mix marketed by the supplier is disclosed as being at least 50 % renewable or in case the product fuel mix of the purchased tariff is disclosed as being at least 50 % renewable.
Alternatively the minimum 50 % renewable energy can also be acquired through the unbundled purchase of guarantees of origin (GOs) as defined in Article 2(j) of Directive 2009/28/EC which are traded in line with the Principles and Rules of Operation of the European Energy Certificate System (EECS). For this alternative, the following conditions shall be met:
the national regulations of both the exporting and the importing country provide domain protocols that are accredited by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) under the Principles and Rules of Operation of the EECS in order to avoid double counting in case the customer opts for an unbundled purchase of GOs;
the amount of GOs acquired through unbundled purchase does match with the applicant's electricity consumption during the same period of time.
In case there are at least five suppliers of individual electricity tariffs offering 100 % of the electricity from renewable energy sources where the accommodation is located, the tourist accommodation shall contract 100 % of its electricity from renewable energy sources through an individual green tariff. This requirement is fulfilled either in case the overall fuel mix marketed by the supplier is disclosed as being 100 % renewable or in case the product fuel mix of the purchased tariff is disclosed as being 100 % renewable.
Note: Tourist accommodations falling outside (a) or (b) cases are exempt. Only suppliers offering the power and voltage demanded by the Tourist Accommodation are accounted for the minimum number of suppliers mentioned in cases (a) and (b).