5 - Consumption monitoring
Category : General management
Status : Mandatory
Type of accommodation : Accommodation

Definition (User manual)
The tourist accommodation shall have procedures for collecting and monitoring data monthly or, at least, yearly, on the following aspects as a minimum:
specific energy use (kWh/guest night and/or kWh/m2 (of indoor area)year);
percentage of final energy use met by renewable energy generated on site (%);
water consumption per guest-night (litres/guest-night) including the water used for irrigation (if applicable) and any other activities related to water consumption;
waste generation per guest-night (kg/guest-night). Food waste shall be monitored separately (5);
consumption of chemical products for cleaning, dishwashing, laundry, sanitising and other special cleaners (e.g. swimming pool backwashing) (kg or litres/guest-night), specifying if they are ready-to-use or undiluted;
percentage of ISO Type I label products (%) used under the applicable optional criteria in this EU Ecolabel Decision.